The submission file MUST be in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.

The manuscript should at least contain the following section: Introduction, Method, Results and Discussions, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Funding, Author Contribution, Conflict of Interest, and References.

Download the MJoC full paper template here



Paper title in Times New Roman (TNR), 14 point-bold and centred. Name of author in TNR, 11 point, bold. Affiliation of author in TNR, 11-point, Italic. Email address in TNR, 10-point, Italic. Please add asterisk (*) to the right of the corresponding author’s name.


The abstract should not exceed 300 words, TNR 11 point and Italic. Avoid citing references and uncommon abbreviations here, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. Please do not use equation editor for equations and mathematical expressions in abstract. Use symbol or plain text instead.


Include three to six keywords, separated by commas, capitalise each word, use Italic and sorted alphabetically.

Introduction (TNR, 11-point)

All papers must be written in English. Use 11-point Times New Roman font throughout the manuscript except for the section headings that should be 11-point Times New Roman bold. The first paragraph following a heading should not be indented.

The following paragraphs must be indented 10 mm. Note that there is no line spacing between paragraphs unless a subheading is used. Symbols for physical quantities in the text should be written in italics. It is recommended that the length of the manuscript is between 10 to 20 pages, with A4-sized (21 x 29 cm) pages with top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm and left and right margins of 1.8 cm. Leave one blank line before each secondary heading.

Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract.

Manuscript files can be in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF. Microsoft Word documents should not be locked or protected. Do not include page numbers in the manuscript file.

The introduction section must include the study background, a short literature survey and objective(s). A specific section on literature review is also encouraged.

Heading and Footnotes

Limit manuscript sections and sub-sections to 3 heading levels. Make sure heading levels are clearly indicated in the manuscript text. Footnotes are not permitted. If your manuscript contains footnotes, move the information into the main text or the reference list, depending on the content.

Illustrative Material

Illustrations must be original or photographic prints of originals and must be in good resolution. Arrange them throughout the paper and do not group them together at the end. Use extra line spacing between illustrations. Text size in illustrations must be proportionate to 10-point TNR. All illustrations must have a caption beneath an illustration, centre-justified in 10-point TNR.

Figure and Table (TNR, 11-point)

Figure captions must be typed beneath a figure in good resolution. Table captions must be typed above a table. Do not break table across pages. Use extra line spacing between figures and tables. Text size in tables must be 10-point TNR. Text size in figures must be proportionate to 10-point TNR. All figures and tables must have a caption, centre-justified in 10-point TNR. All figures and tables must be cited in the paragraph and located on the same page it is first referred, or the next page if the figure or table takes up a whole page. When citing a table or a figure in text, refer to it by its number, such as “Figure 1” or “Table 2.” Please do not refer them by their position relative to the text (e.g., “the figure below”) or its page number (e.g., “the table on page 12”). Do not break table across pages.


Figure 1.  Figure Captions Should be Placed below the Illustrations and Centred.


Table 1. Table Captions Should be Placed above the Tables and Centred.

Title 1

Title 2

Text/ Numeric

Text/ Numeric

Text/ Numeric

Text/ Numeric

Text/ Numeric

Text/ Numeric


Mathematical Typesetting

We recommend using Microsoft Equation Editor (the powerful new built-in Equation Editor for Word 2007 onwards or Microsoft Equation 3.0 object) for equations and mathematical expressions. The powerful interactive equation editor MathType is also acceptable. Use extra line spacing between equations. The equation size must be 10-point TNR.

Equations should be numbered consecutively and appear in parentheses. All equation numbers must appear on the right-hand side of the equation and should be referred to within the text, in the form of Equation (1). Below is example:

                                                   y = mx +c                                                                                      (1) 


List here acknowledgment to individuals / organizations who have provided some significant assistance to the research.



Please state the source of funding obtained to support the research. If no funding received, the authors should state: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.

Author Contribution

Please state each author’s contribution here. For example: Author1 prepared the literature review and oversaw the article writing. Author2 wrote the research methodology and performed fieldwork. Author3 conducted the statistical analysis and interpreted the results. 

Collaborative writing with international authors has added merit, thus contributors are encouraged to include international co-authors in their work.

Conflict of Interest

The authors should declare if any conflicts of interest exist. If no conflict exists, the authors should state: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa) and follow the APA convention.

Write authors’ surname when there are one or two authors, and write first author and “et al.” when more than two authors. Depending on the sentence, either the year only is placed in parentheses, or the author's surname followed by parentheses. In case of more than one citation, write the author’s surname and year separated by a comma are placed together in parentheses in chronological order. For example:

“Sentiment analysis was conducted by Liu (2015) … “

“A study on semantic knowledge LDA concluded … (Tajbakhsh & Bagherzadeh, 2019).”

“In a study of semantic knowledge LDA, Tajbakhsh and Bagherzadeh (2019) argued that ...”

“There is a correlation between correlation between two words in a post (Yusof et al., 2015; Mutalib et al., 2016; Tajbakhsh & Bagherzadeh, 2019)”.

* Authors are required to cite preferably three (3) articles or a minimum of one (1) article that has been published in MJoC.


Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa) and follow the APA convention. The references should be at least 15 with 30% from the last FIVE (5) years.

References should be listed together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by author’s surname. Leave space between references. List of references indents 10 mm from the second line of each reference.  See examples in the list of references below.


Journal Article

Tajbakhsh, M. S., & Bagherzadeh, J. (2019). Semantic knowledge LDA with topic vector for recommending hashtags: Twitter use case. Intelligent Data Analysis, 23(3), 609-622.


Liu, B. (2015). Sentiment Analysis: Mining Opinions, Sentiments, and Emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chapters in Books

Yusof, N. N., Mohamed, A., & Abdul-Rahman, S. (2015, September). Reviewing classification approaches in sentiment analysis. In International conference on Soft Computing in Data Science (pp. 43-53). Springer, Singapore.

Proceedings Papers

Mutalib, S., Abdullah, M. H., Abdul-Rahman, S., & Aziz, Z. A. (2016, December). A brief study on paddy applications with image processing and proposed architecture. In Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), 2016 IEEE Conference on (pp. 124-129). IEEE.

Web Pages

Ray, S. (2015). Essentials of Machine Learning Algorithms (with Python and R Codes). A post at AnalyticsVidhya available at http://​ www.​ analyticsvidhya.​ com/​ blog8.-learning-algorithms/


For further guidelines in APA style you can visit

Preferred Reviewers

While the journal is by no means required or obliged to choose the reviewers that authors suggest, the list can often be a source of inspiration. If the journal chooses not to invite any of the preferred reviewers, it may use the suggestions to try to find people with similar expertise. Here are some guides to choose preferred reviewers:

  1. Make sure your list has wide coverage of the field.
  2. Suggest reviewers from around the world.
  3. Include some field-leading experts with a specific interest in your topic.
  4. Have at least one early career researcher on your list.
  5. Don’t include anyone who has a conflict of interest.
  6. Don’t just suggest your friends.
  7. Don’t only recommend the biggest names in the field.
  8. Don’t just suggest people who you know will agree with everything you say.

Authors are required to suggest three preferred reviewers and provide their details in the following table:




E-mail address


Institution’s Name

Institution’s Country























Submit the table together in the manuscript