Noratika Nordin1*, Daud Mohamad2
1,2*College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics, University Technology MARA (UiTM),
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
1*This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 2This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event planning, handled by the event planner, involves organizing and coordinating events. The growing number of event planning companies has created a competitive environment where all strive to be the top choice for event managers. Ranking event planners can be subjective, as it depends on specific event requirements. Therefore, it is a crucial stage in selecting the best event planner since many criteria need to be considered. This study aims to identify event planner contractors and rank the alternatives by applying Consistent Fuzzy Linguistic Preference Relations (CFLPR). CFLPR is chosen because it reduces the number of comparisons, streamlines the process, and prevents inconsistencies, especially with large amounts of data. As hierarchy levels increase, there are more comparisons to make, leading to inconsistent decisions. CFLPR is also used to address the event planner selection issue comprehensively, improving the consistency of Fuzzy AHP and handling fuzzy judgments. This method constructs matrices of fuzzy preference relations using linguistic variables. This study considered 10 criteria to rank 3 alternatives Through CFLPR execution, Persona Fiza Bridal emerges as the top choice, followed by Butik Pengantin Seriheza and Nwahyu Butik Pengantin & Kecantikan. These rankings are based on consistent fuzzy linguistic preference relations, with the highest value assigned the top ranking and the lowest the last. Persona Fiza Bridal is thus recommended as the ideal event planner for Rio Event Management.
Keywords: CFLPR, Event Planner, Ranking.
Published On: 1 October 2024